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Pharmacogenetic Test

The PGx test is your one test for life.


The test will cover your metabolic response to medications at all stages in life, and can be referred back to at any time regardless of your age or

health status.


Pharmacogenomics is the analysis of how genes affect a person’s response to drugs. Most drugs are broken down (metabolised) in the body by drug-metabolising enzymes (DMEs). Specific genes code for these enzymes, and variations in these genes can cause significant differences to drug-metabolising enzymes, drug transporters and drug targets.


As everyone has a unique genetic makeup, this can affect how you will respond or react to certain medications. A medication or dose that works for one person may be ineffective or cause harmful side effects in another. Through pharmacogenomics testing, individualised medicine treatment plans can be developed based on each patient’s genetic makeup, to determine optimal drugs and dosages, and limit harmful side effects.


Potential Benefits Of Pgx Testing

Using the results from PGx testing, health care providers can individualize drug therapy selection and dosages for patients based on their genetic makeup. Testing patients prior to beginning treatment may help determine their response to certain drug classes and help avoid drugs that may be ineffective or cause harmful side effects. For patients currently on treatment, it may identify new treatment options or identify why current treatments aren’t working.

Advantages of PGx testing may include

  • Decreasing and potentially eliminating the need for a “trial and error” approach to find effective therapy and dosages

  • Decreasing the number of adverse drug reactions a patient experiences

  • Saving patients time and money on ineffective medications

  • Decreasing the amount of time patients are on medication

  • Improving patient quality of life by finding effect treatments faster


Pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing provides insights into how an individual metabolizes different drugs, which can influence their effectiveness and the risk of side effects. Results from PGx testing can classify a person as a poor, intermediate, normal, or ultra-rapid metabolizer. Over 75% of people have variations in drug metabolism outside the normal range, affecting drug efficacy and safety.

  • Drug Metabolism: Variations in genes can cause individuals to metabolize drugs at different rates, affecting how quickly or thoroughly drugs are processed. This can classify individuals into categories like poor or ultra-rapid metabolizers.

  • Response to Medication: Poor metabolizers may not respond well to certain drugs, requiring alternative medications. Ultra-rapid metabolizers might need higher doses for effectiveness as they process drugs quickly.

  • Risk of Adverse Drug Reactions: Poor metabolizers may need lower doses to avoid accumulation and side effects, while ultra-rapid metabolizers may experience rapid effects and increased side effects, requiring dose adjustments.


PGx testing is useful for patients currently on or about to start medication, especially in psychiatry, where 30-50% of patients do not respond to their first antidepressant. Genetically-guided prescribing can increase the chances of remission. The testing covers a range of medications, with updates to incorporate new drugs and evidence. Clinicians should use PGx reports alongside other clinical information to guide therapeutic decisions.

Limitations of Testing

The PGx report provides information on how your body metabolizes drugs, which can aid in selecting medications. However, it is only one aspect of predicting drug reactions. Drug reactions can also result from other factors like allergies, intolerances, and drug interactions. The PGx report should be used alongside your medical history and other available medical information by your healthcare practitioner.

Pipetting Samples and Test Tube

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genetic Health: Comprehensive ENT Genetic Testing at Medical Essentials. 

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